(Psalm 147:3) "He heals the brokenhearted."
Unfortunately we are living in a world today where fifty percent of most marriages fall apart within the first three years.
Some statistics report that 35 percent of woman under the age of 30 have been married twice and are facing a third break up.
It’s clear that there is a desire for… or “a need”… to fill our lives with a relationship that is meaningful and fulfilling.
However if you’re trying to recover from a broken or failed relationship… don’t rush into another one.
You need to heal first!
As you become healthy… then you can begin to make healthy choices.
It’s true some hurts take a long time to heal… but don’t be discouraged… “He (Jesus) heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
Give God a chance.
Take time to search His Word and find out how He feels about you… for that’s the true basis of all “self-worth”.
If God can love and accept you with full knowledge of your imperfections… then there is a message for you to understand… “lighten up on yourself!”
You can love and be loved again… but only with the same wholeness with which you love yourself.
(Matthew 22:39) says... ‘Love your neighbor as yourself”… that is… love for yourself begins with pride in who you are… respect for yourself and what you are in Gods eyes… and a reverence for the “gift of life” that God has given to you as the unique child of God that He created you to be.
Next time you begin to lean into a relationship… make sure your choices are healthy ones and not based solely on the need or the fear of being alone.
And be careful… when you don’t value yourself… you attract people who feel the same way about you… including those who seek to control you.
You deserve better… so hold out for it.
Remember… you train others by how you treat yourself.
As you become whole… (looking at life and future relationships thru Gods word and his love for you)… you’ll start to see how “unwholesome” some of your relationship choices have been.
If some people walk away… “so be it.”
Sometimes you’ve got to give up less… so that God can give you more.
He has new relationships in store for you but He’s waiting until your values… your perceptions… and your self-worth line up with His Word.
Talking about perceptions… (1st John 2:15-17) tells us “Love not the world neither the things that are in the world.
For if any man (or woman) love’s the world… (it’s values… it’s perceptions… and it’s philosophies)… the love of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world… the lust of the flesh… and the lust of the eyes… and the pride of life… is not of the Father… but is of the world.
And the world passeth away… and the lust thereof… but he that doeth the will of God… abideth for ever”.
This world has a lot of perceptions and preconceived ideas about life and relationships that are just wrong to say the least.
So it’s time that you evaluate all that the world says is acceptable… and check it out in the light of Gods Word and what He says is right.
So take it step by step… one day at a time.
Let the love of God heal your emotional wounds… and then let God lead you to the love of your life… the one that He has prepared for you… so that you might know the wonderful joy of a union that is a blessing for both of you.
And rejoice… your best days are ahead!
Good Day!
Next time you begin to lean into a relationship… make sure your choices are healthy ones and not based solely on the need or the fear of being alone.
And be careful… when you don’t value yourself… you attract people who feel the same way about you… including those who seek to control you.
You deserve better… so hold out for it.
Remember… you train others by how you treat yourself.
As you become whole… (looking at life and future relationships thru Gods word and his love for you)… you’ll start to see how “unwholesome” some of your relationship choices have been.
If some people walk away… “so be it.”
Sometimes you’ve got to give up less… so that God can give you more.
He has new relationships in store for you but He’s waiting until your values… your perceptions… and your self-worth line up with His Word.
Talking about perceptions… (1st John 2:15-17) tells us “Love not the world neither the things that are in the world.
For if any man (or woman) love’s the world… (it’s values… it’s perceptions… and it’s philosophies)… the love of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world… the lust of the flesh… and the lust of the eyes… and the pride of life… is not of the Father… but is of the world.
And the world passeth away… and the lust thereof… but he that doeth the will of God… abideth for ever”.
This world has a lot of perceptions and preconceived ideas about life and relationships that are just wrong to say the least.
So it’s time that you evaluate all that the world says is acceptable… and check it out in the light of Gods Word and what He says is right.
So take it step by step… one day at a time.
Let the love of God heal your emotional wounds… and then let God lead you to the love of your life… the one that He has prepared for you… so that you might know the wonderful joy of a union that is a blessing for both of you.
And rejoice… your best days are ahead!
Good Day!
(Philippians 4:8) "Whatever things are true... noble... just... pure... lovely... of good report...
meditate on these things."
There’s an old cliché that says… “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.”
In (Luke 22:3-4) The Bible says… “Then Satan entered Judas… So he went his way and conferred with the chief priests and captains how he might betray Him (Jesus) to them”.
It seems that Judas (who carried the purse as the treasurer for Jesus and his followers)… it seems as
There’s an old cliché that says… “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.”
In (Luke 22:3-4) The Bible says… “Then Satan entered Judas… So he went his way and conferred with the chief priests and captains how he might betray Him (Jesus) to them”.
It seems that Judas (who carried the purse as the treasurer for Jesus and his followers)… it seems as
if his thoughts were constantly preoccupied with money… and Satan exploited it to his destruction.
During the three years and a half years that Judas was a part of the disciples that followed Jesus and
During the three years and a half years that Judas was a part of the disciples that followed Jesus and
sat under His teaching… he heard the Master repeatedly warn about the danger of loving money…
but he failed to get the message.
The truth is that your mind never stops working… and if you don’t take control of it… it will take control of you.
Paul wrote… “Whatsoever things are true… noble… just… pure… lovely… of good report… if
The truth is that your mind never stops working… and if you don’t take control of it… it will take control of you.
Paul wrote… “Whatsoever things are true… noble… just… pure… lovely… of good report… if
there is any virtue… and if there is anything praiseworthy… meditate on these things.”
What you become in life… is a direct result of what your mind dwells on.
Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of Americas renowned essayists, lecturers, philosophers, and poets… who led the “transcendentalist movement” of the mid-19th century… which is the main doctrine of the Unitarian Church as taught by Harvard University.
He said... “Life consists of what a man [or woman] is thinking about all day.”
Two hundred years earlier “John Locke”… who was also an influential philosopher and physician… whose writings had a significant impact on Western philosophy said… “The actions of men [or women] are the greatest interpreters of their thoughts.”
Author “James Allen” also gave us an intriguing book called… “As a Man Thinketh”… which is a “self-help” book published in 1903.
This book was described by Allen as… "dealing with the power of the mind affecting our thoughts… and particularly with the use and application of thoughts… to bring about happy and beautiful issues
What you become in life… is a direct result of what your mind dwells on.
Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of Americas renowned essayists, lecturers, philosophers, and poets… who led the “transcendentalist movement” of the mid-19th century… which is the main doctrine of the Unitarian Church as taught by Harvard University.
He said... “Life consists of what a man [or woman] is thinking about all day.”
Two hundred years earlier “John Locke”… who was also an influential philosopher and physician… whose writings had a significant impact on Western philosophy said… “The actions of men [or women] are the greatest interpreters of their thoughts.”
Author “James Allen” also gave us an intriguing book called… “As a Man Thinketh”… which is a “self-help” book published in 1903.
This book was described by Allen as… "dealing with the power of the mind affecting our thoughts… and particularly with the use and application of thoughts… to bring about happy and beautiful issues
in life.”
One of his famous and thought provoking quotes was… “You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.”
All three of these great literary minds have been applauded and remembered in literary history for their thesis and works… “extolling the need”… to take control your thought life.
However their writings are secondary to the same message that the Apostle Paul brought to humanity in (Philippians 4:8)… “Finally brethren… whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise… think on these things!”
This is why the Apostle Peter warns us to “prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control” (1st Peter 1:13)
One of his famous and thought provoking quotes was… “You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.”
All three of these great literary minds have been applauded and remembered in literary history for their thesis and works… “extolling the need”… to take control your thought life.
However their writings are secondary to the same message that the Apostle Paul brought to humanity in (Philippians 4:8)… “Finally brethren… whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise… think on these things!”
This is why the Apostle Peter warns us to “prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control” (1st Peter 1:13)
It’s why the psalmist wrote… “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight O Lord… (Psalm 19:13-14)
Note the words that the writer uses… “the meditation of my heart.”
The wisest man in history is known to be “Solomon”… who gave us his literary mind in the Book of Proverbs.
In it he writes… “as a man thinketh in his heart… so is he”
(Proverbs 23:7)
Folks… my point today is this…
Humanity can (and we have been given this unique ability by God)… humanity can use our minds to control what happens in our lives and ultimately our future.
History itself has proven what “the power of the mind” can do… to change the world in which we live.
The problem with that ability… is the activities we allow… or let our minds dwell on.
Literary scholars throughout history have written about it.
It is a message that God has endorsed and repeatedly revealed to us throughout the history of mankind.
In her book “the battlefield of the mind”… Author Joyce Myers has given insight to the Christian world of how important it is… that which we think on… what we let our minds dwell on… and how those thoughts will control our lives.
Today and tomorrow and in the days ahead… lets together practice and make it our aim to “think on those things”… which only give positive influence and a positive outlook upon life… and the world around us.
Lets begin to emit “positive energy” as it were… instead of the continued myriad of negative thought and energy… that permeate our lives on a daily basis.
Lets you and I become a voice of hope and positive expectancy for tomorrow.
Lets you and I bring a little “good news” to our world today with our opinions and speech… rather than the barrage of negative discussion and gossip that seems to have invaded the airwaves and the media and the world around us.
Today… lets you and I begin to be and continue to be … “ a sweet savor of Christ”.
Lets together begin thinking and speaking hope… expectancy… and confidence… as we speak of our faith and our own hope and confidence in God… rather than the worlds negative outlook on life.
As we discipline our minds to do that very thing… it will have a positive effect on each of our lives… and you will be amazed at what will begin to happen supernaturally… by the power and the hand of God.
(Proverbs 18:21) “Life and death are in the power of the tongue".
“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit”.
“The tongue can bring death or life… those who love to talk will reap the consequences”…
This verse is referring to how powerful our words can be in that they can bring death or life into any and every situation.
As “new creatures in Christ”… (2nd Corinthians 5:17)… “Old thing will pass away and behold… “all things” will become new.”
Lets let our speech (our conversation)… be the evidence of that new life… new hope… new expectancy in God… starting today!
Good Day!
(1st Corinthians 2:16) "We have the mind of Christ."
The Bible says… “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him… but God has revealed them to us through His Spirit” (1st Corinthians 2:9-10)
Here’s my question this morning.
Do you love God?
Do you… really?
If so… know that He wants to reveal His thoughts to you.
Read the last part of that scripture one more time.
“Which God has prepared for those that love Him”.
What an advantage!
Paul wrote… “These things we also speak… not in words which man’s wisdom teaches... but which the Holy Spirit teaches… comparing spiritual things with spiritual” (1st Corinthians 2:13)
Don’t make the mistake of limiting your relationship with God to simply spiritual activities like prayer, bible reading, and church activities.
This promise applies to every area of your life… including your family, your finances, your career, etc.
The Bible says… “We have the mind of Christ.” (1st Corinthians 2:16)
That means when you face a problem… you can ask Him. “Lord help me to see this the way You do.”
When you need to make an important decision you can pray… you can ask Him… “Lord… reveal to me what I don’t know and teach me what I need to learn… so that my decisions and my choices are in line with Your will… and what’s best for everyone concerned.”
Having the mind of Christ… means having and experiencing the plan, the purpose, and the perspective of Christ… concerning the circumstances and the experiences we face as we live out our lives in this world.
Having the mind of Christ means we understand God’s plan for this world… to restore creation to its original splendor… and His intent to provide salvation for “sinners”… people outside of the household of faith.
It means we identify with Christ’s purpose “to seek and to save what was lost” (Luke 19:10)
It means we share Jesus’ perspective of humility and obedience.
(Philippians 2:5-8)… “In your relationships with one another... have the same mindset as Christ Jesus… Who… being in the very nature of God… did not consider equality with God something to be used to His own advantage.
Rather… He made himself nothing! By taking on the very natureof a servant... being made in human likeness and being found in appearance as a man… He humbled himself by becoming obedient to death… even death on a cross!
Having the mind of Christ means we share His compassion for this lost world…
(Matthew 9:36) “When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless… like sheep without a shepherd.
And having the mind of Christ means we identify as well with His own “prayerful dependence” on God…
(Luke 5:16) “So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.”
Instead of confining God to church and so-called “spiritual activities”... we need to ask for His help in every area of our lives.
(Psalm 46:10) says… “Be still and know that I am God”
That means you must be still long enough for Him to put His thoughts into your mind.
When it happens… and it will… you’ll never want to think any other way.
Thru out my life as a believer in Christ… I have read much information and teaching concerning our thought life… how we think… and how it directly effects our life.
Teaching that will help us in our spiritual life and our relationship with God.
The church and the body of Christ has been taught much… about being spiritual... rather than carnal or worldly.
Unfortunately many Christians believe that they are living life at the mercy of spiritual winds that blow their boat… their lives aimlessly... wherever… with out any choice in the matter.
But you need to know that you don’t have to live that way.
Gods word says that He has a plan for you and I…. “Plans to prosper you… not plans for evil” (Jeremiah 29:11)
Like a general on the battlefield who gives his instructions and shares his plans with his captains and lieutenants…
God also shares His thoughts with each of us through His word and by His Spirit
That’s why we need to take time each day… to meet with Him.
When we spend time with Him it causes us to think differently.
It causes us to begin to make positive steps in our thought life… in the right direction
(Proverbs 23:7) “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.
That’s why we need to set our selves apart… for a time each day… and have a “one on one” conference with Him.
That’s why we need to reflect and meditate on His word... and the things that He reveals to us while in our prayer closet.
God wants you to know His will... and He will do that... as you set your self apart for Him.
And believe it or not you can do it... if you have the right priorities and the right attitude.
But it begins with you.
You have to make the choice.
Think about it… imagine the possibilities?
How life would change… if you had “the mind of Christ in you”…
Good Day!
(Exodus 33:14) "My Presence will go with you…and I will give you rest."
There is no doubt about it… life can be overwhelming at times.
And it’s been that way since the fall of Man in the Garden of Eden.
We all deal with circumstances that cause stress and bewilderment as to how to deal with things that are out of our control… and the stress caused can be debilitating.
You’re not alone.
Moses… one of the greatest leaders in history got so stressed out with the responsibilities he was carrying …that he wanted to die.
And we all look at the life of Moses in that situation and say “Surely that wasn’t God’s will for him.”
You’re right.
But it’s not enough to know God’s will… you’ve got to do things God’s way.
Moses was working from early morning until late at night… six days a week with no vacations and no time off.
He was eating on the run… planning appointments… meeting deadlines… and seeing everybody who wanted to see him.
And the people close to Moses were either too busy to notice… or too needy themselves… to care that he was suffering from burnout.
But his father-in-law Jethro… noticed it and said… “The thing that thou doing is not good. Thou wilt surely wear away…this thing is too heavy for you… your not able to perform it yourself alone” (Exodus 18:17-18).
Fortunately Moses found the answer… and it was in two parts.
First, He learned to delegate the work to qualified people and trust them to do it.
The essence of good leadership is not about trying to do everything yourself but getting it done through others.
Or as nineteenth-century evangelist D.L. Moody said… “Instead of trying to do the work of ten people… get ten people to do the work.”
Secondly, He learned to draw on God’s strength rather than his own.
God told Moses… “My presence will go with you… and I will give you rest.”
The word rest means… “inner peace… well-being… security…and confidence.”
And God’s will is… for you to live that way as well.
When Jesus was preparing to leave this world and He was giving His disciples some tips and life lessons to help them after He left… He said to them… “Peace I give unto you… not as the world give I unto you” (John 14:27)
You need to realize that there will always be issues in life that will be vexing and that will stress you out “if you let them”.
But remember… Jesus said… “in this world you will have trouble but I have over come the world” (John 16:33)
Paul wrote these great words of encouragement to the church in (Romans 8:31-39)
“What then shall we say in response to these things?
If God is for us, who can be against us?
He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all…how will He not also along with Him…graciously give us all things?
Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies.
Who then is the one who condemns? No one.
Christ Jesus who died…more than that… who was raised to life…is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?
As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long… we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”
But no… in all these things … we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons…neither the present nor the future… nor any powers… neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord”.
So today rest in the finished work of the cross and the hope/confidence we have in Christ.
He said what He meant and He meant what He said.
Good Day!
(Philippians 2:5) "You must have the same attitude… that Jesus had."
In flight school training… your taught that periodically your plane needs to be “trimmed” or “balanced while in flight.”
After flying through storms… it can get knocked out of alignment and needs to be adjusted.
And the same thing happens while on our spiritual journey.
The storms of life can “knock you out of alignment.”
Unexpected “weather conditions” like sickness, depression, unemployment, divorce, disappointment and death… can force you to have to re adjust your plans… change direction and strategy.
That’s why your attitude needs to be regularly checked and adjusted.
So what are you dealing with lately that calls for an attitude check?
Paul wrote… “You must have the same attitude…Jesus had.”
Is such a lifestyle possible?
Yes… but you must make it a priority and pursue it each day.
Joshua wanted to turn an “army of complainers”… into an army that could conquer the Promised Land.
So God gave him this formula for success…
(Joshua 1:8) “Study this “Book of Instruction” continually.
Meditate on it day and night…be sure to obey everything written in it.
You have to make it a part of your life!
So here is an idea to help you graft the word of God into our life.
It will help you "trim your plane"... and "readjust "your flight controls.
It’s called the three by five method.
Each week… identify one scripture that relates to an area in your life that you are struggling with and in which you want to grow.
Write it down on a three-by-five card and memorize it.
In one year… you’ll have fifty-two scriptures you can recall and stand on.
Think how that will impact your life!
Not only will wrong attitudes change… but your life will begin to move in the right direction.
Because “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. (Luke 4:4)
Good Day!
Meditate on it day and night…be sure to obey everything written in it.
Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do”.
The great Apostle John wrote to the church saying… “beloved… I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers”. (3rd John 1:2)
Listen folks… the only way we can truly “trim” our plane (or our soul)… the only way we can stay “balanced” in life… the only way we can stay “healthy” spiritually… is to have a diet of the right “spiritual” nutrition… and from time to time examine our path and or re-adjust our course…
(James 1:21) says “and receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your souls.
There is a technique used in agriculture where by farmers will “graft a twig or a branch of a different variety of fruit to a host tree.
In time... with the right nutrients and care... the host tree will begin to grow a different variety of fruit on its grafted branches.
In a sense… each of us are “host trees”.
When we receive with meekness the engrafted word of God… that seed…
that branch… that engrafted word… will begin to grow in us… thru us… out of us… producing a crop of righteousness
It is not of our own nature… but because of the grafting process.
As we hide that word (the Word of God) in our hearts… as we feed on that word… it will slowly begin to balance our lives,…trim our plane… set our feet in the right direction… it will literally begin to change our nature!
But you have to receive it!
The great Apostle John wrote to the church saying… “beloved… I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers”. (3rd John 1:2)
Listen folks… the only way we can truly “trim” our plane (or our soul)… the only way we can stay “balanced” in life… the only way we can stay “healthy” spiritually… is to have a diet of the right “spiritual” nutrition… and from time to time examine our path and or re-adjust our course…
(James 1:21) says “and receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your souls.
There is a technique used in agriculture where by farmers will “graft a twig or a branch of a different variety of fruit to a host tree.
In time... with the right nutrients and care... the host tree will begin to grow a different variety of fruit on its grafted branches.
In a sense… each of us are “host trees”.
When we receive with meekness the engrafted word of God… that seed…
that branch… that engrafted word… will begin to grow in us… thru us… out of us… producing a crop of righteousness
It is not of our own nature… but because of the grafting process.
As we hide that word (the Word of God) in our hearts… as we feed on that word… it will slowly begin to balance our lives,…trim our plane… set our feet in the right direction… it will literally begin to change our nature!
But you have to receive it!
You have to make it a part of your life!
So here is an idea to help you graft the word of God into our life.
It will help you "trim your plane"... and "readjust "your flight controls.
It’s called the three by five method.
Each week… identify one scripture that relates to an area in your life that you are struggling with and in which you want to grow.
Write it down on a three-by-five card and memorize it.
In one year… you’ll have fifty-two scriptures you can recall and stand on.
Think how that will impact your life!
Not only will wrong attitudes change… but your life will begin to move in the right direction.
Because “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. (Luke 4:4)
Good Day!
(Deuteronomy 32:29) "Oh...that they would consider their latter end!"
So let me ask you this morning… “What is your goal in life”.
Or better still… do you have any goals?
I have met too many people recently whom are reaching their senior years and they just seem to be lost… despondent… and bitter about life… just sort of hanging on not going anywhere… nor hoping for anything.
Just surviving… and for what?”
Listen folks it doesn’t matter how old you are… God has a purpose for you to fulfill in life.
“For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord” (Jeremiah 29:11)
And until you have drawn your last breath… your purpose… “Gods plan for you”… is not finished.
And one of the biggest challenges… one of the most important achievements we all must work toward… is personal growth in our lives and attitudes... no matter what age we are at!
It’s time to stop being bitter… and it’s time to start being better!
And do you know what the difference between the two words are?
Bitter and better?
It’s the “I”… in the middle of bitter.
And when “I” get out of the way… and let God implement His plan… (and that can only happen when I am willing and obedient to submit to Him)… not asserting my will but submitting to His will… then and only then… have I been able to grow and begin to experience some satisfaction and fulfillment in life.
Personal growth then… must make time for reflective thinking.
But how do you find “quality time”… for reflective thinking?
(1) Remove yourself from distractions.
Reflection and distraction don’t mix.
Reflection requires solitude.
It’s not the kind of thing you can do well near a television… while the phone’s ringing… or with children in the same room.
You say… “But I don’t have time to spend in reflection.”
We all have 168 hours each week.
If you spend just one of them reflecting… you’ll be amazed how your life will be enriched.
(2) Regularly review your calendar or journal.
Most people use their calendar as a planning tool… which it is.
But few use it as a reflective thinking tool.
What could be better however… for helping you to review where you have been and what you have done…except maybe a journal?
Those two things remind you of how you’ve spent your time.
They can show whether your activities match your priorities.
They can help you to see whether you are making progress.
They can also offer you an opportunity to recall activities you might not have had time to reflect on previously.
Some of your most valuable thoughts or experiences may have been lost or forgotten because you didn’t give yourself “the reflection time” you needed.
(3) Ask the right questions.
The Bible says… “Oh that they were wise…that they would consider their latter end!”
Ask yourself… “Am I growing personally and in my walk with God?
Am I strengthening my relationships with the people who matter in my life?
Am I using the gifts and sharpening the skills God has given me?”
Reflecting on such questions can change your life for the better.
Because they generally put “others first” as a priority in my life… and when my heart and attitude becomes “others first”… then I find that “self”… is not in the way… and God has room to begin to fill me with what He has promised.
Think about it!
There is a greater purpose for all of us in this life.
You just have to realize that it’s not all about you.
It’s not all about me!
And when we reflect on that… and get a glimpse of that… the sky is the limit because now God can fill us with Himself… and we can truly become His instrumentation to infect and inspire others.
So today start taking time to reflect or consider the latter end… Gods
purpose… and Gods plan for you… and how you can be involved in something bigger than yourself.
Don’t be like Esau who sold his birthright because He didn’t consider the “latter end”… and all he could think about was his stomach and his immediate want and desire.
Come on… start taking time in reflection about your life… and where God has brought you… and where you are going.
If you don’t take that time… your going to wind up sitting in a wheel chair or lying in a bed at the end of your days wondering where it all went and how it passed you by.
For I know the plans I have for “you” says the Lord… plans to prosper you and give you a future.
Joshua and Caleb at eighty years of age could say the words… “and we are well able”… because they remembered… they reflected… they considered the relationship they had with God… their awareness of His goodness and His mercies and His benevolence and His promises… and it gave then the confidence to say;
“We are well able” (Numbers 13:30)
You know... we all go to the doctors for a check up now and then... when was the last time you did your own examination... consideration or reflection... about your life and your relationship with God and where your going or what our priorities are in your life...
Perhaps its time to "consider your latter end"... and do something about it.
Good Day!
Good Day!
(Ecclesiastes 7:14) "In the day of adversity consider."
The digital age has brought us many great advantages.
The ability to find a mate… and develop compatible relationships for a marriage has become the go to through and with the internet
Through emails… texts… and tweets… we can communicate quickly.
Knowledge and information are a click away.
In fact… there is very little that we cannot find answers to in an instant.
And as a result of this instantaneous access to knowledge, information and self gratification… little time is spent in reflection about life… the purpose of life… and the reason for life.
Seldom do we “come apart” for a season…. Or take time to reflect on our direction in life, our purpose in life and our calling for life.
We are like the little steel balls in a pinball machine that ricochet from one post to another… one experience to another… with out any rhyme or reason.
The old country song from the super group Alabama says;
“I’m in a hurry to get things done and I, rush and rush until life’s no fun…
All I got-ta do is live and die and…I’m in a hurry and don’t know why”.
Yes the digital age… and the internet have brought many advantages to make life easier… faster and quicker… however the disadvantage is that it doesn’t cultivate in us a desire to “think about things or life” deeply.
You can’t “microwave” personal growth… it requires a crockpot… a slow cooker.
The Bible says, “In the day of prosperity be joyful… but in the day of adversity consider… surely God has appointed the one as well as the other.” (Ecclesiastes 7:14)
The writer of Ecclesiastes is saying that we need to slow down and take some time to evaluate our lives from time to time.
Stop running and always trying to get to the next point in life quickly.
Stop and smell the roses… take time to enjoy the moment.
Often I’ve heard seniors say “how did I get this old so quickly”?
Or “where did life go… how did it pass me by”?
Folks no matter how old we are… we need to take some time “to consider our ways”… by taking times of reflection and self evaluation... to “reflect”... to examine... to identify what we are seeing and doing.
Before taking communion the Apostle Paul tells us that we should “examine our selves” (1st Corinthians 11:28)
He is referring to “taking time” to consider... or reflect upon our lives… to evaluate,…to examine our choices… to reset our compass… realign and readjust our pathway of direction in life.
There are several benefits of reflective thinking.
(1) You gain confidence in “decision making”.
Have you ever made a snap decision and later wondered if you did the right thing?
Reflective thinking can help to defuse that doubt… it also gives you confidence for the next decision.
Once you’ve reflected on an issue… you don’t have to repeat every step of the thinking process when you’re faced with the same issue again.
You’ve got mental road markers from having been there before.
(2) You clarify the big picture.
Reflective thinking encourages us to go back and spend time pondering what we have done and what we have seen.
To keep from making the same mistake over and over you must stop and examine the process that led to it.
In other words… reflection helps you to see the big picture.
(3) You take a good experience and make it a valuable experience.
They say we learn by experience… but I don’t think that is entirely true.
We actually learn from “evaluated experience”… reflection will help you do that.
An experience becomes valuable when it informs and equips us.
That’s why daily prayer and Bible reading are so essential.
You’ll understand things in God’s presence… that you won’t understand any other way.
So today… take a moment and “come apart” for awhile… and reflect on the good things that God has brought into your life.
Like a cow that chews its cud to get all the nourishment available… take some time in the “light and presence of God”… to reflect on life and the blessings that God has sent your way.
Slow down and consider your ways and your days.
Take the word that the writer of Ecclesiastes says and consider life!
"In the day of adversity consider."
It will take you to a new level and appreciation for life… and help you make “the right choices”.
Good Day!