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Friday, July 26, 2024 - July 26th 2024 God Is On Your Side

(Romans 8:31) “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us… who is against us”?

Do you ever feel like the world is working against you?
I’ve got good news. 

God is on your side; there’s no need to worry.
Some days it feels like everyone is against you.
From the traffic as you drive to work… to your boss… and even the person taking your lunch order.
No matter where you turn, it seems like people are making your life harder.
At one time or another, we’ve all said, “Come on, give me a break!”
However I have some good news for you today!
When the world is working against you, there is one who is always on your side.
When you face a rough day or a challenging problem, it’s easy to forget that God is on your side.
Imagine the God of the universe standing beside you as you face any and every problem.
How can you possibly be afraid with the Lord Jesus standing by your side? 
God is on your side!

If you take this promise to heart, you can have the courage to make a stand against Satan’s attack?
As (Ephesians 6:16) says, “you can overcome all the fiery works of the enemy”
Would you make more significant prayer requests if you truly believe that God was for you?
Would you face your problems and difficulties with new faith knowing God was for you?
The God who freely gave His only Son… is the God who stands beside you in every situation.
With this thought foremost in our minds…Who can be against you?
If God is on your side, who can possibly stand against you?
David had God on his side, and he defeated the giant Goliath.
After entering the Promised Land…The Children of God had God on their side, and they saw the walls of Jericho fall.
Peter had God on his side, and an angel opened the jail cell doors and set him free (Acts 12:5)
God is on your side today!
If God is for you, who can be against you?
Look at that promise again.
(Romans 8:31) “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us”? 
Today you need to put this thought into your mind heart and soul and remember (Proverbs 23:7) “as a man thinketh in his heart so is he”
Today and every morning from now on as you get out of bed tell yourself… “God is for me”.
“I will not fear because I know God is walking with me”.
“Today, I stand with confidence, knowing God is on my side”.
“I am tearing down walls, defeating giants, and living in freedom because God is with me”. 
“In Jesus’ name I pray, I confes,s I make this declaration in agreement with Gods word”… Amen
From now on you can face your greatest challenges and fears because God is on your side! 
Good day
Thursday, July 25, 2024 - July 25th 2024 How Old Are You

(Genesis 25:7-8) “Abraham was 175 years old when he breathed his last. His life was marked by the blessing of God”. 
At his death… the scripture describes Abraham as "full of years”.
Which is interpreted by the Hebrew verb “sabea”… which means "to be sated, satisfied, satiated, surfeited… to have in excess,"
Abraham's life had been long and full… blessed by God in many ways.
I am truly mesmerized and yes… a little jealous too… of some of the great men of the Old Testament.
How ever don’t get me wrong… I am truly thankful for all of the conveniences comforts and technology that make life much easier for us today… compared to what those renowned men of the Old Testament dealt with and had to go thru.
But what amazes me is their longevity and good health right up to the day they passed from this life… to their reward in eternity with God.
As with Abraham…the Bible describes them as being satisfied and fulfilled.
So what brought about their satisfaction with life and their fulfilled purpose?
Well I am convinced there are at least two valuable secrets to their success and finishing well.
One has to do with being faithful; the other has to do with being diligent.
Here is the first secret… faithfully remember that each day offers opportunities for staying young at heart.
Each morning you wake up with a fresh opportunity to live that day well, to see your next twenty-four hours as a series of choices.
The Lord has granted you opportunity and a genuine stake in what the day holds.
Choose a positive attitude.
Choose to seek out and focus on the good things.
Choose to face your opportunities with eager anticipation.
Choose to set aside your own expectations, and embrace what God sets before you with passion and enthusiasm.
Choose to live in a constant state of surprise by laying aside your will and letting the Lord’s will unfold.
The second secret: diligently yes stubbornly refuse to give up.
Determine that you will never stop living until your heart beats its last… till someone puts a mirror under your nose and there’s no fog.
Never stop… never give up!
I’m reminded of a story a biographer who wrote about baseball player “Satchel Paige”.. who challenged a team of reporters with the question... “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?
That’s a thought-provoking question, isn’t it?
So how old are you?
There is a cliché out there that says “your only as old as you feel”.
Stop letting your feelings tell you how old you are!
What would it look like for you to stay young at heart?
Proverbs tells us “as a man thinketh in his heart so is he”
The fact is you are not done till God says you are done!
So stop listening to the doubt filled worldly wisdom around you… and start agreeing with Gods word… “all things are possible to them that believe”!
Is there a pursuit you have abandoned that you need to take up again with renewed passion?
Lets not get tired of dreaming, planning and doing what is good.
(Galatians 6:9) tells us “at just the right time… we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up”.
As Caleb said “we are well able”.
Jesus sealed it with His words as well, “with God all things are possible”.
Good Day!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - July 24th 2024 With Out Faith

(Hebrews 11:6) “Without faith it is impossible to please God”
The failure of the early Hebrew nation to believe in God’s word/promise kept them from entering the Promised Land.
Upon their arrival at Kadesh Barnea, which bordered the Promised Land of Canaan, they sent out twelve spies to survey the land and its people (Numbers 13:18-25).
They returned after forty days of exploration with a report of the land truly being a land of milk and honey but…
(Numbers 13:31-33) Ten of the spies had a bad report: “We can’t attack those people… they are stronger than we are… all the people we saw were of great size…we seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes”
Believing the report of the ten doubters, the people lost heart and rebelled.
They “raised their voices and wept aloud,” grumbling against Moses and Aaron, saying, “If only we had died in Egypt… or in this desert! 
Why is the Lord bringing us to this land only to let us fall by the sword?” (Numbers 14:1-2)
Believing the report of the ten doubters, the people lost heart and rebelled… despite the promise of God.

Then the Lord said to Moses, “How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the miraculous signs I have performed among them?
I will strike them down with a plague and destroy them” (Numbers 14:11).
However, Moses once again interceded for his people and
turned away the wrath of God (Numbers 14:13-20).
But folks… here is where the sovereign righteousness of God comes in to play.
Paul teaches us in Romans 9 ““He who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted”.
(Proverbs 17:11)  “An evil man seeketh only rebellion: therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him”.
Evil people are eager for rebellion, but they will be severely punished.
Rebellion is more than being ignorant of God's ways or being independent.
Rebellion, grumbling, complaining, and resistance to obeying His commands or being submissive to divinely appointed authorities is sin… something that God cannot allow to thrive
The Bible teaches us (Genesis 6:3) “my spirit will not always strive with man”.
Some have interpreted it has a reference to a struggle between man and God... but it actualy refers to the longevity of life.
It falls in the middle of a paragraph describing how a group known as the "sons of God"... took human wives who gave birth to a generation of "mighty men" that were driven by wickedness.
So God said He was going to shorten the days of man/humanity.

Perhaps the children of the "sons of God" and human women would otherwise have gone on living an extraordinarily long time growing in wickedness as before the flood.
Considering today how much evil that man is capable of with a lifetime of less than a century… the capacity for evil over many centuries is immense.
Taken in direct context, this verse seems to declare that God will not let humans continue to lead long lives continuing in sin.

In either case, God says that He will not allow His Spirit to remain in man forever.
“My spirit will not always strive with man”
God's Spirit, in this sense, seems to be His "breath of life."
Humans cannot live without God's Spirit or life-force; we are dependent on God to continue to exist.
Now God declares that He will place a natural limit of 120 years on that mortal existence.
Looking at life spans for those born after the flood, this seems to be the case.
While not a literal maximum, life spans after the flood rapidly decreased… until few live longer than 100 years.
Although God did forgive the first generation of exiles from Egypt for their rebellion and unbelief… there was a price that to be paid.
He decided that not one of those whom were participants in the rebellion would ever see the land promised to their forefathers.
(Numbers 14:23). “No one who has treated me with contempt will ever see it”
Rather, they would suffer by wandering in the wilderness for forty more years… one year for each of the forty days they explored the land (Numbers 14:34).
Furthermore, God said he would give them what they asked for in their grumbling: “I will do the very things I heard you say: In this desert your bodies will fall, every one of you twenty years old or more” (Numbers 14:28-29).
Additionally, the ten men who had given the bad report were struck down and died of a plague. (Numbers 14:37).
Only Joshua and Caleb survived.
Two men whom believed the promise of God.
Two men whom stood up against the other ten saying “we are well able”!

God had promised the children victory… He had promised them a land overflowing with milk and honey!
The land He commanded them to go in and take was already theirs; they simply had to trust and obey, but this they did not do.
And so within this story, there is a lesson we need to listen to and adhere too.
God will never lead us where His grace cannot provide for us or His power cannot protect us.
Indeed, the Israelites had seen the powerful hand of God at work during the plagues and miracles of the Exodus and during the migration from Egypt to the borders of the promised land.
Yet, like many people, they walked by sight and not by faith, and their unbelief displeased God.
(Hebrews 11:6) tells us  “Without faith it is impossible to please God”
Their failure to believe in God’s word kept them from entering the Promised Land.
This truth has never changed.
Today you and I… Gentiles… formerly strangers to the covenant of promise… have been grafted into the family of God… and offered the same promises of Gods provision and care.
We’ve been promised blessings beyond our imagination… as Paul writes in (1st Corinthians 2:9) “the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard nor has it entered into the heart of man all the things that God has prepared for those that love Him”.
However humanity still walks in rebellion doubt and unbelief, even though God has given us countless miracles from the past as proof of His great love.
His Word is filled with stories and examples of His promises and willingness to bless humanity.
(1st Corinthians 10:11-13) “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come...”
Hebrews chapter 11 tells us what it means to have faith and obtain life.
Those with true faith accept God's word, focusing on assurance about what we do not see, looking beyond the situation as it can be perceived by natural vision.
Lets not make the same mistake that our early Biblical ancestors made.
Lets be a people like Caleb and Joshua!
People of faith, people whom believe the promises of God despite what we see in the natural realm!!
People whom are convinced that what God said He would do… He will do!
(Romans 8:31) “If God is for us who can be against””
Good Day!
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 - July 23rd 2024 We Are Well Able

(Numbers 13:30) “Then Caleb silenced the people and said… we are well able”
There is a particular narrative from the Old Testament that inspires me every time I read the story.
It’s found in the Book of Numbers Chapter 13 and it’s the story of the 12 spies sent into the Land of Canaan to “spy out the land”.
Amongst those twelve spies… one name stands out… "Caleb the son of Jephunneh" of the tribe of Judah.
I like this guy, and we are gong to see why in a moment.
During the mission of the twelve spies they saw first hand that the land was good… filled with “milk and honey” (a metaphor of the abundance and fertility of the land).
However they found out as well that the land was inhabited by a fierce people… as well as giants…  whom were the descendants of Anak… whom was a descendent of the Nephilim,
(Genesis 6:1-4) informs us that the “the sons of God” went to the daughters of humans and had children by them”… which gave birth to the Nephilim.
Many scholars believe “the sons of God” were angels whom mated with human women, giving birth to giants called the Nephilim.
We also know that God wiped out most of humanity through the flood presumably killing off the original race of giants or Nephilim.
But what about Anak specifically, what do we know about him?
In the Bible, we see various occurrences in which a person’s name becomes the name of a race of people.
For example… Jacob’s name becomes Israel, and the Israelite people forever go by this name.
The same goes for Anak whom fathered a race of war-like people called the Anakim. (Deuteronomy 9:2)
(Numbers 1:33) says that Anak’s race was descended from the Nephilim… which may explain why they were so big in stature ie giants. 
Given this information, we can assume that Anak was probably born after the flood… perhaps fathered by demons.
By the time Joshua and the Israelites arrived in Canaan, some Nephilim were still around (Numbers 13:33-34) and the Anakim had become a full-fledged wicked warlike, fierce race of people.
No doubt Goliath was one of those remaining descendants of the Nephilim as well.
We don’t need to look at Goliath to know that a giant man… (descended from demons or otherwise) would likely enjoy conflict and fighting.
It’s the age old “bigger bully” on the school ground problem.
When someone has a significant amount of power, they tend to play “mini-god”… hence why God eventually had to wipe out the Anakim.
The Israelite spies stated that next to the Nephilim, they felt like grasshoppers (Numbers 13:34).
Sure they were exaggerating… still, the point is clear: Nephilim (and presumably their descendants 
like the Anakim) were huge.
Since demons fathering children with humans would go against God’s holy order of creation, it would make sense that the Nephilim and Anakim had to be destroyed.
Given that the Bible describes the people who currently lived in the land of Canaan as generally “pagan and rebellious”… Anak wasn’t a good person and neither were his descendants.
The fact that God ultimately destroyed Anak’s descendants… indicates that this people did not follow God.
 (Joshua 14:15) states that when the Anakim died… the people of Israel had rest from war.
Often people will object to Israel’s siege on the Promised Land and the repeated wars where God explicitly told the Israelites to exterminate their opponents.
But we have to understand several things.
First, the people already living in the Promised Land had hundreds of years to repent before Israel stepped onto the scene.
They could have done what Ninevah did: repent and be spared.
Secondly, there were good people within the borders of the Promised Land. 
God did not just arbitrarily destroy every one!
Rahab… a prostitute… hid the Israelite spies, preserving their lives.
Because of this, she was rescued from destruction and ended up in the genealogy of Jesus.
The same holds true for Ruth, a Moabite who became part of the nation of Israel after committing to care for her mother-in-law Naomi and marrying Boaz.
So back to our story and the guy that inspires me so much named Caleb.
Though we don’t know much about Caleb… we do know that he was a man of great faith.
Other than Joshua, Caleb was the only spy sent into Canaan by Moses who believed God's 
promise that Israel would conquer the promised land… and he was promised an inheritance 
on account of his great faith.
He believed that with God "all things are possible"!
Further to the twelve spies returning with their report concerning the “Land of Promise”… all 
the spies agreed on the richness of the land, but ten of them said Israel could not conquer it because 
its inhabitants were too powerful and their cities were like fortresses.
But Caleb and Joshua dared to contradict the others and were adamant that they were “well able to “take the land”… especially with God on their side.
(Numbers 13:30) “Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.”
But instead… (believing the report of the ten doubters), the people lost heart and rebelled.
They “raised their voices and wept aloud,” grumbling against Moses and Aaron, saying, “If only we had died in Egypt! Or in this desert! 
Why is the Lord bringing us to this land only to let us fall by the sword?
Let us choose a new leader and go back to Egypt’ (Numbers 14:1-2)
God was so angry at the Israelites for their lack of faith in Him that he forced them to wander in the desert 40 more years until that entire generation… 20 years old and older had died…all except Joshua and Caleb.
After the Israelites returned and set about conquering the land, Joshua, the new leader, gave Caleb the territory around Hebron, belonging to the Anakites or the Anakim. 
That which the earlier generation had feared and which had terrified the original spies… proved no match for God's people.
Now here is why I am such a fan of Caleb.
Caleb successfully spied out Canaan, on assignment from Moses. 
He then survived another 40 years of wandering in the desert enduring the judgment of God on the unfaithful, unbelieving, rebellious children of Israel… then on returning to the Promised Land, at over 85 years of age (25 years older than the any of the other men of Israel)…he conquered the territory around Hebron.
Caleb was physically strong, vigorous to old age, and ingenious in dealing with trouble. 

Most importantly, he followed God with his whole heart.
Caleb believed that when God gave him a task to do, God would supply him with all he needed to complete that mission. 
Caleb spoke up for truth, even when he was in the minority. 
Caleb spoke up for God even when he had to stand alone!
Often, to stand up for truth we must stand alone.
We can learn from Caleb that our own weakness brings an inpouring of God's strength. 
Caleb teaches us to be loyal to God… and to expect Him to be loyal to us in return.
His rallying cry has become my mantra for life: “With God all things are possible"!
Applying this story to our lives today… we must determine to walk in the shadow of Caleb, knowing that with God on our side “all things are possible”.
No matter what the circumstances are, no matter what our fears may be… by faith in God… all things are possible to them that believe”!
You can do it!

Caleb proved that theory...
Good day!

Monday, July 22, 2024 - July 22nd 2024 Fulfilling Lifes Purpose

(Ephesians 2:10) "For we are...created...for good works."
The Bible says God creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join Him in the work He does… the good work He has prepared for us to do!
Before you decide on a career or what you’ll devote your life to… seek God for guidance.
Nothing can take the place of being in His direct will.
If you don’t you’re likely to spend your life chasing the wrong things and wind up frustrated dissatisfied and  burnt out.
And even if you’re well-paid… you’ll experience an emptiness and a lack of fulfillment within.
Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, a Nazi death camp survivor said, “Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life…a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment.
There in he cannot be replaced…everyone’s task is as unique as his specific opportunity.”
God created you for a specific purpose.
Your responsibility is to identify it.
Here are four questions to ask yourself when it comes to identifying your life’s purpose:
(1) What am I searching for?
All of us have a strong desire in our hearts; something that speaks to our deepest thoughts, longings, and feelings; something that ignites our soul with passion.
(2) Why was I created?
Think about your unique mix of abilities, the relationships and resources available to you, your personal history, and the opportunities around you.
These are all directional signposts.
(3) Do I believe in my potential?
Leadership guru’s tell us, “No one can consistently act in a manner that is inconsistent with the way he or she sees themselves.”
In other words you need to believe that you were created for a special purpose that only you can fulfill!
(4) When should I start?
The answer to that question is “Now”!
There is a thought process out there that say’s “I am an island unto myself”.
In other words I am accountable to no one.
I am not responsible for the welfare and needs of others.
Life is about me and what revolves around me.
If you call yourself a Christian, a believer in God, then you need to listen to this devotional very closely this morning.
Each of us have a God given responsibility in life to take care of our fellowman.
It’s the second greatest commandment that Jesus said is like unto the first…
and that is…“to love the Lord your god with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your soul and your neighbor as your self (Matthew 22:37-40)

When asked by another Pharisee how one could “inherit eternal life,” Jesus answered … that it is by keeping these two commandments (Luke 10:25–37).
If you are struggling to find purpose and meaning in life… start reaching out and doing your best to serve and help others.
As you do this… you put your self into “the flow” for God to steer you in the direction He wants you to take… to pursue in life… to not only fulfill His will but show you your purpose in life.
I love these next two scriptures from the 37th chapter of the Book of Psalms.
“Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalms 37:4)
“I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.” (Psalm 37:25)
There is no higher calling… no greater purpose in life than to be one whom God can trust to be His hands extended to the welfare of others… as we live out our days on this planet.
God has a plan for you (Jeremiah 29:11).
Get into His flow and let Him reveal that plan to you.
Good day!
Sunday, July 21, 2024 - July 21st 2024 Its Never To Late

(Genesis 25:7–8) “Abraham lived for 175 years, and he died at a ripe old age, having lived a long and satisfying life”
Ever thought about how you hope to die?
Now I’m not being morbid here this morning and I’m not necessarily talking about your literal death… I’m really asking about how you intend to “live” until you die.
What will be the condition of your mind and your heart when death comes for you?
How will you spend your days prior to taking your final breath?
Tragically, many people die long before they draw their last breath.
They no longer seek all the joy, purpose and pleasure that life has for them.
I don’t mean old in the chronological sense; I mean becoming old in attitude.
As Gods children we have a choice as to what our attitude can and should be… and we should make it our aim never to become old.
Our thinking should always be… “with Gods help, we are well able”
People whom have an “old” attitude… tend to have several characteristics in common.
The first is narcissism: “It’s all about me.”
This is an ultra-selfish mind-set that says, in effect, “I’ve earned my right to be miserable.”
The fact is, life is a gift and it is a privilege to live it.
Narcissism leads then to pessimism.
This is a person who moans and complains, “I have nothing to contribute… my past is meaningless, and my future is bleak.”
Pessimism then leads to fatalism.
This person lives with death as a destination. “The only thing in front of me is a grave or an urn.”
The pessimist sees nothing interesting or important on the horizon and has no sense of purpose.
They get up in the morning and all they see is a half empty glass, rather than a half full one.
As Abraham faced the final third of his life, he displayed none of these characteristics.
After roughly 112 years of marriage, his beloved Sarah was gone.
But he knew that God calls the shots on life and death, not us.
So, the aging patriarch lived on with purpose for another 53 years.
In the second act of his life, Abraham continued to live fully.
And you can too!
I hope his refusal to grow old causes you to ask the Lord, “What future do You have for me?”
You too can stand up with the rallying cry of Cain and Able and say “we are well able”.
Instead of “woe is me”!
Paul writes for us to day “I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus Is calling me!
Jesus said, ”(Mark 9:23) “all things are possible to them that believe
You aren’t too old… your just experienced!
Good day!

Saturday, July 20, 2024 - July 20th 2024 Getting Real With God

(Lamentations 3:40) “Let us examine our ways...and return to the Lord.”

One thing no one likes is someone else judging us and telling us that we are wrong or in error in certain areas of our lives.
But let me ask you this morning, “how else will we wake up to the “idiosyncrasies” of life (we all tend to walk in at times) that are classed as sin?
If some one or something doesn’t tell us then how will we know.
That’s when “self examination”… honesty before God and obedience comes to play.
The bible tells us “let a man examine himself and see if he be in the faith” (2nd Corinthians 13:5)
The truth is, not many of us are willing to take the time to look in the mirror, or the “Word of God”… which is able to save our souls according to (James 1:21)
James is a book that teaches a lot about living our witness and faith… as well as talking about it.

In other words "walking the talk".
And all thru the New Testament… Jesus (and then Paul) talked about being honest and forthright with God... concerning our witness and testimony of Gods forgiveness and mercy.
I have had many people tell me or ask me over the years, “why wouldn’t God love me or let me into Heaven?
And I have responded by telling them that its not God that keeps us out, or condemns us to Hell… its ourselves...  by not acting on the word that He gives us.

So this morning, I have set a few questions before all of us that we need to answer individually and honestly to measure were we really stand in our so called “goodness”.
Following are twelve specific categories/activities we all deal with in life, that affect our walk as Christians and as a solid credible witness for Christ.
I dare you to be honest and ask your self "in which specific areas do I need to change, grow, and mature"?
You be the judge… you be the person that prays this morning  “Lord, make me a better person”.
In order to get real with God, you must answer these twelve questions carefully and prayerfully:
(1)         Am I honest and above reproach in all my financial dealings? That includes giving God a tithe      of my income.
(2)         Do I put myself in sexually inappropriate situations or expose myself to harmful material?
(3)         Do I spend enough time with my family, and would they say that I do?
(4)         Do I tell the truth even when it brings me hurt or criticism?
(5)         Do I find it easy to say, “I was wrong… I’m genuinely sorry” or do I hold grudges?
(6)         Am I knowingly compromising any area of my life or refusing to face the consequences of my                actions?

(7)          Have I formed habits that are detrimental to my health, my job, my family, or my walk with                   Christ?
(8)          Am I proud, selfish, or arrogant?
(9)          Have I taken credit for things that others did and should have been rewarded for?
(10)        Have I failed to confess to God something that I know is sinful and wrong?
(11)        Have I been insensitive or abusive to my loved ones? And if I have, what am I willing to do                   about it?
(12)        Am I spending enough time in prayer and in the Scriptures?
(Lamentations 3:40) “Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord”.

These are questions to simply keep us honest with our selves and with God.
The word for you today is this—get real with God!
Good Day!

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