(Ecclesiastes 7:14) "In the day of adversity consider."
The digital age has brought us many great advantages.
The ability to find a mate… and develop compatible relationships for a marriage has become the go to through and with the internet
Through emails… texts… and tweets… we can communicate quickly.
Knowledge and information are a click away.
In fact… there is very little that we cannot find answers to in an instant.
And as a result of this instantaneous access to knowledge, information and self gratification… little time is spent in reflection about life… the purpose of life… and the reason for life.
Seldom do we “come apart” for a season…. Or take time to reflect on our direction in life, our purpose in life and our calling for life.
We are like the little steel balls in a pinball machine that ricochet from one post to another… one experience to another… with out any rhyme or reason.
The old country song from the super group Alabama says;
“I’m in a hurry to get things done and I, rush and rush until life’s no fun…
All I got-ta do is live and die and…I’m in a hurry and don’t know why”.
Yes the digital age… and the internet have brought many advantages to make life easier… faster and quicker… however the disadvantage is that it doesn’t cultivate in us a desire to “think about things or life” deeply.
You can’t “microwave” personal growth… it requires a crockpot… a slow cooker.
The Bible says, “In the day of prosperity be joyful… but in the day of adversity consider… surely God has appointed the one as well as the other.” (Ecclesiastes 7:14)
The writer of Ecclesiastes is saying that we need to slow down and take some time to evaluate our lives from time to time.
Stop running and always trying to get to the next point in life quickly.
Stop and smell the roses… take time to enjoy the moment.
Often I’ve heard seniors say “how did I get this old so quickly”?
Or “where did life go… how did it pass me by”?
Folks no matter how old we are… we need to take some time “to consider our ways”… by taking times of reflection and self evaluation... to “reflect”... to examine... to identify what we are seeing and doing.
Before taking communion the Apostle Paul tells us that we should “examine our selves” (1st Corinthians 11:28)
He is referring to “taking time” to consider... or reflect upon our lives… to evaluate,…to examine our choices… to reset our compass… realign and readjust our pathway of direction in life.
There are several benefits of reflective thinking.
(1) You gain confidence in “decision making”.
Have you ever made a snap decision and later wondered if you did the right thing?
Reflective thinking can help to defuse that doubt… it also gives you confidence for the next decision.
Once you’ve reflected on an issue… you don’t have to repeat every step of the thinking process when you’re faced with the same issue again.
You’ve got mental road markers from having been there before.
(2) You clarify the big picture.
Reflective thinking encourages us to go back and spend time pondering what we have done and what we have seen.
To keep from making the same mistake over and over you must stop and examine the process that led to it.
In other words… reflection helps you to see the big picture.
(3) You take a good experience and make it a valuable experience.
They say we learn by experience… but I don’t think that is entirely true.
We actually learn from “evaluated experience”… reflection will help you do that.
An experience becomes valuable when it informs and equips us.
That’s why daily prayer and Bible reading are so essential.
You’ll understand things in God’s presence… that you won’t understand any other way.
So today… take a moment and “come apart” for awhile… and reflect on the good things that God has brought into your life.
Like a cow that chews its cud to get all the nourishment available… take some time in the “light and presence of God”… to reflect on life and the blessings that God has sent your way.
Slow down and consider your ways and your days.
Take the word that the writer of Ecclesiastes says and consider life!
"In the day of adversity consider."
It will take you to a new level and appreciation for life… and help you make “the right choices”.
Good Day!
(1st Corinthians 10:13) "He will show you how to escape from your temptations."
Over the years I have met many whom blame God for the state that they are in.
They’ve made “bad choices” and because of their choices… life has not been the sweet “walk thru the park” that many would like to be enjoying… because of the choices they made.
James (1:14) But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed.
(1st Corinthians 10:13) The bible says “In every temptation… God will show a way of escape.
But in order to escape… a “choice” has to be made.
What is that choice you ask?
It’s a willingness to “deny” your self.
There it is… “But every man (or woman) is tempted… when he (or she) is drawn away of his (or her) own lust and enticed (James 1:14)
Satan tried to get Jesus to succumb to three different kinds of temptation and he’ll try the same with you:
(1) Satisfaction without God.
Knowing Christ was hungry… Satan told Him to turn stones into bread…
but Jesus said “no”… because He knew God’s plan was to feed and strengthen Him supernaturally.
He refused to settle for less… and you must too.
(2) Success without God.
Satan then took Jesus to the top of the temple and told Him to jump off saying God would send angels to protect Him.
But God’s plan for Jesus was the cross… the resurrection… and the multitudes who would come to believe in Him.
Satan tried to get Jesus to settle for less… and he’ll try the same with you.
Don’t take the bait!
(3) Significance without God.
Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of this world if only He would bow down and worship him.
What an offer!
Significance without God!
But the fact is… the kingdoms of this world weren’t Satan’s to offer!
So he lied to Jesus… and he will lie to you too.
The way to lasting satisfaction is the way of the cross… which means “sacrificing” yourself… “denying yourself”.
Jesus rebuked Satan with a reminder from scripture… and that is… “that God alone”… is worthy to be glorified.
Understand this!
Satan will take every “legitimate” desire you have… and try to get you to fulfill it in an “illegitimate” way.
But you can overcome him.
By staying close to God and living in His Word…“He will show you how to escape from your temptations.”
But it takes a choice.
The scriptures tell us “love not the world… nor the things of the world.”
As believers… we need to realize that our hope and our success in life is in Christ alone.
Not in the ways of the world.
(Jeremiah 29:11)… “I have a plan for you says the Lord… plans to prosper you and give you a future not plans for evil”…
God says… “my ways are not your ways” (Isaiah 55:8-9)
So here’s me encouragement for you today.
Do you want to be an overcomer?
Do you want to enjoy the blessings of God?
Of course you do!
We all do!
Then it’s time to forsake… yes even reject… turn your back on the world and it’s philosophy.
It’s time make wholesome positive Godly choices.
It’s time to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33)
Jesus told a religious Pharisee (a leader in the Jewish church) the following words when asked what the greatest commandment was.
(Matthew 22:35-39) “One of them… an expert in the law… tested him with this question… ‘Teacher which is the greatest commandment in the Law’”?
“Jesus replied… ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
This is the first and greatest commandment… and the second is like it… Love your neighbor as yourself’”.
Let me ask you today… how much do you love God?
Only you can answer the question.
I am not your judge nor is any one else.
Only you know what is the truth… or what your attitude is toward God.
(Psalm 37: 3-5) “Trust in the Lord and do good… dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord… trust in him and He will do this:
(1st Corinthians 10:13) "He will show you how to escape from your temptations."
He will also show you how to rebuild your life so that you can enjoy His blessings and this life you are living from now till His return
“And He that sat upon the throne said… ‘Behold, I make all things new’”(Revelation 21:5)
“The eye has not seen… and the ear has not heard… nor has it entered into the heart of man all that the Lord has prepared for those that love Him (1st Corinthians 2:9).
Good Day!
(John 8:36) "If the Son sets you free… you are truly free."
I find great peace in the announcement from Gods word thru the Apostle Paul in (Ephesians 2:8) which says, “For by grace ye are saved thru faith… not of yourselves but it is the gift of God.”
Sometimes we mistakenly try to motivate people/new believers to clean up their act… without telling them how!
Jesus said “If the Son sets you free… you are truly free.”
The Amplified Bible puts it like this… “Then you are really and unquestionably free.”
The key to victory in life doesn’t lie in exercising more willpower… or trying to double your efforts to be good righteous and or clean or perfect… but in drawing on God’s power moment by moment.
Paul writes… “Walk in the Spirit… and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16).
Walking in the spirit begins by “changing your focus”.
As believers in Christ… If there is anything we “need to do”… it’s to change our focus or what we “pay attention to”.
(1st John 2:15) “Love not the world… neither the things that are in the world.”
(Romans 12:2) say’s “but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to discern what is the good… pleasing… and perfect will of God.”
Lasting change comes from the inside out.
Your biggest battle will always be in the area of your thoughts and impulses.
If Satan can get your mind off God’s Word and into the carnal realm of this world… he can swing you toward sin and defeat every time.
Understand this… God’s Word is the language of God’s Spirit.
That means when you read it and meditate on its principles… you are allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to you… and as a result… you can keep your flesh under control.
Paul writes in (Philippians 4:8) “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest... good report… if there be any virtue… and if there be any praise… think on these things.”
But when you dwell on sinful thoughts… carnal activities of the world that run opposite to the influence of Gods Word… you’re operating under the enemy’s language and letting him dictate to you.
So get back into God’s Word today.
It’s “the Sword of the Spirit”… and the only weapon sharp enough to cut you loose from sin.
Peter says… “By his divine power… God has given us everything we need for living a godly life…He has given us great and precious promises… so we can share His divine nature and escape the world’s corruption” (2nd Peter 1:3-4).
Everything you need to be more than a conqueror spiritually… is in God’s Word.
So if your going to try to “do” any thing…if you feel the need that you must “do” something… then start making the Word of God your priority and passion.
The writer of the Psalms writes “Thy word O Lord is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path” (Psalms 119:105)
Jesus said “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Luke 4:4)
Let that Word of God “live”… let it “dwell” within you… and you shall not fulfill the old lusts… desires and passions that once drove you before you came to Christ.
And for some whom are trying to walk with God but keep stumbling… never forget that in spite of every failure… every slip… every stumble… the Lord still “upholds you in the palm of His right hand” (Isaiah 41:10)
“Let the implanted… engrafted Word of God dwell in you” (Colossians 3:16) and you will begin to feel and experience the effects of His word living in you.
Then (Galatians 5:16) will become a reality in you… with out you even realizing that it’s happening… “walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh”.
Believe it or not… it doesn’t take much work… but it does takes focus!
So the word for you today is “change your focus”.
An old song says:
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus.
Look full in His wonderful face…
And the things of this earth… will grow strangely dim…
In the light of His glory and grace”
Good Day!
(Ephesians 6:18) “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests”.
In keeping with our look at the “whole armor of God”… which Paul encourages the Ephesian church (and us as well) to wear so that we can defend our selves against the wiles of the devil… he gives one final instruction.
And that instruction is to “pray in the Spirit”… (Ephesians 6:18)
“Praying in the Spirit” utilizes a gift that God has given the body of Christ.
That gift is the “gift of tongues”.
The “gift of tongues” is available and given to all… as a devotional prayer language for the profit of the individual who speaks privately to God (1st Corinthians 14:2-4)
The gift of tongues that Paul was referring to when He said… “I thank God that I speak in tongues more than you all”… is a “personal prayer language”.
It is a gift from God to help you communicate with Him.
It is like a “hot line to Heavens Courts”.
A hotline is a point-to-point communications link… in which a call is automatically directed to a “preselected destination” without any interference.
Hotlines have been used on the battlefield… they have been used between reigning presidents and various countries of the world.
The most famous “Hotline” being “the hotline between the United States and Russia.
It is or was called “the Moscow–Washington hotline”… which was also known as the "red telephone"… and is on display in the Jimmy Carter Library and Museum
History is filled with these kinds of communication devices between heads of state and from the battlefield to the command center.
The important thing to understand about them… is that there is “no interference” on the line… once a connection is established.
The type of tongues Paul refers to when he says… “I thank God that I speak in tongues more than you all”…
Is a personal prayer language… a “hot line to God” our Commander and Chief… that not even the enemy of our soul can interfere with.
It is unbroken communication with God.
This is what Paul was referring to when he said, “I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all” (1st Corinthians 14:18)
It is this “personal prayer tongue” that Paul used frequently praying to God with his spirit (Ephesians 6:18).
This allowed him to “pray without ceasing” (1st Thessalonians 5:17)
Jesus included speaking in tongues as one of the signs that would follow those who believe in Him (Mark 16:17)
(Isaiah 28:11) Says… “with stammering lips and another tongue will I speak unto this people”.
Believers can receive this gift by asking for it… and are even exhorted by Paul to ask for it… along with the other spiritual gifts.
(1st Corinthians 14:1) “Pursue love… and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts… especially that you may prophesy.”
In (1st Corinthians 14:6-33)… Paul explains the importance of order for the corporate gift of tongues.
Now remember and don’t be confused about what I am saying here.
There are two types of “tongues” available for us to use… one for our personal benefit and edification….and one to encourage the body of Christ while in public corporate worship
There is the gift of tongues used to uplift and encourage the body of Christ as they gather together for corporate worship… and there is the gift of tongues for private prayer and worship of God in your closet.
And so that all things are done in order… Paul even limits the number of people who can speak openly in tongues during corporate worship… that being to two or three utterances in a corporate setting and each in turn…so that the interpretation can come forth for the edification of the body (1st Corinthians 14:27)
Then Paul says… “But if there is no interpreter… let him keep silent in the church… and let him speak to himself and to God” (1st Corinthians 14:28)…meaning that believers can always pray quietly in the Spirit (in tongues)… as long as they are not disrupting others in a corporate worship setting.
Remember that the “Spirit is always subject to the flesh”
Sometimes in a corporate setting… the room will engage in a time of singing or praying together in the Spirit… to build strength… war spiritually… or give joyful praise to God.
The tongues that manifest at that time are being spoken to God… not men…and there is no requirement for interpretation… although believers can ask God for the interpretation… since tongues speak mysteries that the Spirit wants to reveal to the body of Christ (1st Corinthians 14:2 - 14:13).
One of the goals in any worship setting or prayer gathering is to worship God from an open out flowing of the heart.
That is one of the beautiful blessings of corporate worship.
The body together… dozens of believers together… creating a beautiful harmony of audible praise… lifting voices to God with singing and praying in the spirit.
“Praying in the spirit” sensitizes our hearts to the things of the Spirit.
(Jude 20) says “But you dear friends… building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit ...
We may not feel anything when we pray in the Spirit… but we should not seek to measure what is happening… by what we feel in that moment.
Nor are we to “disengage” our mind… but to focus on God’s throne in Heaven (Revelation 4)… and speak directly to the Father… or to speak directly to the Holy Spirit… who dwells inside each of us (Romans 8:9) – (2nd Corinthians 13:14)
Singing with our spirit and with our understanding… is important in our individual spiritual lives.
Paul taught that if we sing to God from our hearts… we would experience God’s grace and the Spirit’s presence:
(Colossians 3:16) “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly . . . teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs… singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”
One of the ways we can be filled with the Spirit… is by “singing spiritual songs” or (singing in tongues) in our heart to the Lord.
Many believers whom utilize the gift of singing and praying in tongues together… testify that they have experienced a supernatural touch of God while spontaneously singing bible passages to God… and intermittently singing in tongues… which often results in the Holy Spirit touching the deep chambers of their heart.
Singing the Word impacts our hearts more than just speaking it or hearing others speak it.
God designed our heart to be touched deeply by music and singing.
As we sing the Word… and sing with our spirit… we receive mysteries and or (impressions from the Holy Spirit)… and gain insight from the Word.
The Spirit of God is willing to give us more and more… if we will sing the Word and immerse our selves in worship of Him singing with our spirit consistently.
It is this kind of prayer activity on the part of the believer… that literally brings down the satanic empire of darkness.
Paul teaches us “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty unto God to the pulling down of strong holds (2nd Corinthians 10:4)
The gift of tongues is a prayer language for you to use as you “fight the good fight of faith” (1st Timothy 6:12)
Don’t neglect it! Seek it! Receive it and use it!
It is part of your arsenal… to overcome the kingdom of darkness and know victory over the enemy of your soul.
Good day!
The gift of tongues is a prayer language for you to use as you “fight the good fight of faith” (1st Timothy 6:12)
Don’t neglect it! Seek it! Receive it and use it!
It is part of your arsenal… to overcome the kingdom of darkness and know victory over the enemy of your soul.
Good day!
(Ephesians 6:18) “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests”.
In keeping with our look at the “whole armor of God” which Paul encourages the Ephesian church (and us as well) to wear so that we can defend our selves against the wiles of the devil…
He gives one final instruction.
And that instruction is to “pray in the Spirit…(Ephesians 6:18)
So what exactly is “praying in the Spirit”?
In (1st Corinthians 14:15) there is an exhortation in the scripture to pray… and sing… with our spirit and our understanding. “I will pray with the spirit… and I will also pray with the understanding.
Paul say’s “I will sing with the spirit… and I will also sing with the understanding,”
Singing and praying in the spirit implies using one of the gifts of the spirit… “the gift of tongues”.
The gift of tongues is a supernatural endowment that is poured out on Gods people by a divine act of His will… usually when one is lost in worship and devotion.
(Acts 2:1-4) “When the day of Pentecost fully came… they were all together in one place.
Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.
All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tonguesas the Spirit enabled them.
(Acts 10:44-46) “While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message.
The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on Gentiles for they heard them speaking in tonguesand praising God”.
This gift of speaking in tongues or… “praying in the Spirit”… is given by the Spirit of God to help us “touch the hem of His garment”… to help us break thru to the inner presence of God as it were… to help us comprehend the mysteries of God and ignite our hearts with passion for Him.
Praying in the spirit is powerful and enjoyable.
However… many people misunderstand the purpose of the gift of tongues and the scriptures that describe it… and because of a lack of understanding many have spoke up in opposition to its practice.
Mike Bickle, director of the International House of Prayer… once used to preach against speaking in tongues in his early ministry.
However one day a certain verse of scripture arrested his attention and caused him to question his position.
That verse of Scripture was found in (1st Corinthians 14:18) where Paul wrote, “I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all.”
This caused Mike to ask, “Why did the Apostle Paul value this gift so much that he engaged in it more than anyone?
He was a busy man… so why did he invest so much time speaking/praying in in tongues?”
What Mike soon discovered is that Paul is describing two different types of the gift of tongues… two expressions and two different purposes.
If you really take a moment to read the scriptural references you will see that Paul speaks of two different types of “the Gift of Tongues”.
The first… in (1st Corinthians chapter 12)… is the gift of tongues for the corporate body.
This is a gift where under the compulsion of the Holy Spirit… a believer speaks out in a corporate setting… such as a church service or small group (usually in the midst of corporate worship)… and then someone interprets what was spoken.
This is called “Tongues of Prophesy” or “prophetical utterances” in many charismatic groups.
This type of tongue is generally heard by other people as a witness of the Holy Spirits presence in their midst… and is usually followed up with someone in the body or the gathering who is inspired to interpret what is being spoken in the foreign tongue/language… someone with the “gift of interpretation”.
In his teachings about the gifts of the Spirit… Paul says in (1st Corinthians 12:10) “gifts are given by the spirit… to another miraculous powers… to another prophecy… to another distinguishing between spirits… to another speaking in different kinds of tongues… and to still another… the interpretation of tongues”.
In (1st Corinthians 14:27) Paul says “If anyone speaks in a tongue… two… or at the most three… should speak… one at a time… and someone must interpret.
The sole purpose of this gift or supernatural utterance... is for the “edification of the body”… allowing the Lord to speak to His people in a corporate setting.
This is what happened in the references from the book of Acts.
Yet Paul is clear that not all believers have this gift… “Do all speak with tongues?” he asks in (1st Corinthians 12:30)
Then in (1st Corinthians 14:5) he says… “I wish you all spoke with tongues.”
Paul goes on to tell us “I thank God that I speak in tongues more than you all”
Now let me try to explain this misunderstood contradiction:
There is a difference between the gift of tongues given to a few… for the profit or the edification of the corporate body (1st Corinthians 12:7).
However… the “gift of tongues” is available and given to all… as a devotional prayer language for the profit of the individual… who speaks privately to God (1st Corinthians 14:2 - 4)
The gift of tongues… that Paul was referring to when He said “I thank God that I speak in tongues more than you all”… is a “Personal Prayer Language”.
It is a gift from God to help you communicate with Him.
It is one of the ways we can be effective in our prayer life… to the pulling down of strongholds… “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty unto God to the pulling down of strong holds (2nd Corinthians 10:4).
When putting on the whole armor of God…don’t neglect the weapon of prayer and or praying in the spirit.
More on this tomorrow!
Good day!
(Ephesians 6:18) “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests”.
The Bible reveals many types of prayers and employs a variety of words to describe the practice.
For example… (1st Timothy 2:1) says… “First of all then… I urge that supplications prayers… intercessions… and thanksgiving… be made for all people.”
Lets look at what these prayers entail and sharpen our “weapons of warfare” with a little understanding of them.
1) The prayer of faith:
(James 5:15 says), “And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick… and the Lord will raise him up.”
In this context, prayer is offered in faith for someone who is sick asking God to heal them.
When we pray… we are to believe in the power and goodness of God
(Mark 9:23) “Jesus said to him, “Ifyou can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”
2) The prayer of agreement (also known as corporate prayer):
After Jesus’ ascension… the disciples “all joined together constantly in prayer” (Acts 1:14).
Later, after Pentecost, the early church “devoted themselves” to prayer (Acts 2:42).
Their example encourages us to pray with others.
3) The prayer of request (or supplication):
Although it is a noun… supplication comes from the Latin verb “supplicare”, which means "to plead humbly."
While a supplication is often thought of as a religious prayer (it is used 60 times in the Bible)
It can logically be applied to any situation in which you must entreat someone in power… for help or a favor.
Still… it carries with it an aura of religiosity and deep entreat… and should not be used to describe just any simple request.
(Philippians 4:6) teaches us that we are to take our requests to God. “Do not be anxious about anything… but in everything by prayer and supplication… with thanksgiving… let your requests be made known to God.”
Part of winning the spiritual battle is to be “praying at all times in the Spirit… with all prayer and supplication” (Ephesians 6:18).
4) The prayer of thanksgiving:
We see another type of prayer in (Philippians 4:6) called “The prayer of thanksgiving”… or thanks to God.
“With thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
Many examples of thanksgiving prayers are found in the Psalms.
5) The prayer of worship:
The prayer of worship is similar to the prayer of thanksgiving.
The difference is that worship focuses on “who” God is.
Thanksgiving focuses on “what” God has done.
Church leaders in Antioch prayed in this manner while fasting: “While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting…(Acts 13:2-3).
6) The prayer of consecration:
Sometimes prayer is a time of setting ourselves apart to follow God’s will.
Jesus made such a prayer the night before going to the cross … “And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed saying… ‘My Father… if it be possible… let this cup pass from me… nevertheless… not as I will… but as you will’” (Matthew 26:39).
7) The prayer of intercession:
Many times, our prayers include requests for others as we intercede for them.
We are told to make intercession “for everyone” in (1st Timothy 2:1)
Jesus serves as our example in this area.
The whole chapter of John 17 is a prayer of Jesus on behalf of His disciples and all believers.
8) The prayer of imprecation:
Imprecatory prayers are found in the Psalms for example (Psalm 7…Psalm 55…Psalm 69).
These prayers are used to invoke God’s judgment on the wicked and thereby avenge the righteous.
However this kind of prayer needs to truly be led of the Spirit of God in that we are told to pray for healing and redemption… rather than judgment and condemnation.
To “imprecate”… means to “invoke evil”… or “curse” one’s enemies.
In the New Testament… Jesus exhorts us to pray for our enemies (Matthew 5:44–48)… (Luke 6:27–38)… but praying for their death or for bad things to happen to them… isn’t what He meant.
Instead… we are to pray for their salvation first and foremost… and then for God’s will to be done.
There's no greater blessing than a personal relationship with Jesus Christ,…and that’s what Jesus means by praying for… and blessing those who curse us.
Praying in this manner allows God to work in our own lives to soften our hearts toward our enemies… so that we’ll have compassion on them for their eternal destiny… and to remove bitterness and anger from our hearts.
Praying for God’s will to be done… means we agree with God and are submitting ourselves to His divine sovereignty… despite not always understanding perfectly what He’s doing in a particular situation.
And it means we have given up the idea that we know best and instead… are now relying on and trusting in God to work His will.
If a personal wrong has truly been done to us… we should and must seek God in prayer about it… and then leave room for God’s judgment… and trust Him to do what is best.
That is the way to be at peace with God and all men (Romans 12:17-21).
Finally the Bible also speaks of “praying in the Spirit” (1st Corinthians 14:14 -15)… and praying when we are unable to think of “adequate words” (Romans 8:26-27)
In those times... the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us.
The Apostle Paul writes in (1st Corinthians 14:15) to pray… and sing… with our spirit and our understanding.
“I will pray with the spirit… and I will also pray with the understanding.
I will sing with the spirit… and I will also sing with the understanding”
Singing and praying with our spirit implies using the gift of tongues.
This can help release the mysteries of God and ignite our hearts with passion for Him.
Praying in the spirit is powerful and enjoyable.
However… many people misunderstand the purpose of the gift of tongues and the scriptures that describe it… (more to come on this kind of prayer).
Prayer is conversation with God and should be made without ceasing
(1st Thessalonians 5:16-18)
As we grow in our love for Jesus Christ… we will naturally desire to talk to Him.
Hopefully the above explanations of prayer will help you in your daily relationship with Him.
Good Day!
(Ephesians 6:11) “Put on the whole armor of God… that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
We’ve been looking at the “armor of God” that Paul instructs the Ephesian believers to utilize “for spiritual protection”… armor that every believer needs as we fight “the good fight of faith”.
Now in any fight… in order to win you can’t always just defend yourself.
At some point you have to go on the offensive… if you want to win the game or the battle.
(Ephesians 6:17) instructs us to “put on the whole armor of God and to “take the helmet of salvation”… (that’s a good defensive as we talked about yesterday)… “and the sword of the Spirit… which is the word of God.”
The “Sword of the Spirit”… (which is the word of God)… is not only used for defense… or to fend off the blows of the enemy… but it’s also used to “attack” the kingdom of darkness.
The bible says… “for our weapons of warfare are not carnal… but are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds” (2nd Corinthians 10:4)
The “sword of the spirit”… is one of the pieces of spiritual armor Paul tells the Ephesian Christians to put on as part of the “full armor of God”… that will enable us to stand our ground against evil (Ephesians 6:13).
The sword is both an offensive and defensive weapon used by soldiers or warriors.
In ancient days swords were used to protect oneself from harm or to attack the enemy to overcome or kill him.
In both cases it was necessary for a soldier to get “rigid training” on the proper use of the sword… to get maximum protection and effectiveness.
All Christian soldiers need the same “rigid training”… to know how to properly handle the “sword of the Spirit”… which is the word of God.
Since every Christian is involved in a spiritual battle with the satanic and evil forces of this world… we need to know how to handle… or use the Word of God properly for our defense… as well as for “overcoming” the kingdom of darkness..
Only then will it be an effective defense against evil… but it will also be an offensive weapon we can use to “demolish strongholds” of error and falsehood (2nd Corinthians 10:4-5)
In (Hebrews 4:12) God refers to His Word as a sword…
In this verse of scripture we are taught that the Word of God is “living and active”… and sharper than a double-edged sword.
The Roman sword was commonly made with a double edge… so that it could do damage in a back swing as well as a forward slash or thrust.
The fact that it had two edges made it easier to penetrate… as well as to cut in every way.
The idea is that of “piercing or penetrating”.
The Word of God reaches the “heart”… the very center of action… and lays open the motives and feelings of those it touches.
(Hebrews 4:12) “For the word of God is quick… and powerful… and sharper than any two edged sword… piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit… and of the joints and marrow… and it…(The Word of God)… is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
The purpose of the sword of the Spirit… (the Bible)… is to make us strong and able… to withstand the evil onslaughts of Satan our enemy.
(Psalm 119:11) “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”
The Holy Spirit uses “the power” of the Word… to save souls and then give them or equip them with spiritual strength… to be mature soldiers for the Lord in fighting and overcoming this corrupt and evil world we live in.
The more we know and “understand” the Word of God… the more “useful” we will be in “doing” the will of God… and the more “effective” we will be in standing against the enemy of our souls.
Jesus said “Man shall not live by bread alone… but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Luke 4:4)
Paul told his young prodigy Timothy (1st Timothy 2:25) “Study to show yourself approved… a workman that needs not to be ashamed… but rightly dividing the word of truth”.
As a Christian… as a Child of God… each of us needs to have a solid understanding of the word of God.
With out it… all you will ever be able to do is cower in defense quoting defense scriptures.
But God wants you to do more than just defend,
He wants you to be a conqueror (Romans 8:37) “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.”
Jesus told His disciples “greater things than these shall ye do… after the Holy Spirit comes upon you” (John 14:12-14)
The sword of the spirit is the one weapon that will allow the believer to overcome the attack of the enemy.
As mentioned earlier… “(Hebrews 4:12) “For the word of God is quick and powerful… and sharper than any two edged sword… piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow… and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
You need to begin to make the word of God “a priority”… as you live out your life on a daily basis.
It’s like the insulin that a diabetic needs on a daily basis.
It’s like the fuel that keeps our vehicles running and airplanes in the air.
The word of God is what teaches us the following promise of Christ… that few have still yet to learn as we walk with Jesus.
“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing… and they will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father… and I will do whatever you ask in my name so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” (John 14:10-14)
We cannot survive our spiritual journey with out the Word of God… or the Sword of the Spirit.
It is truly the only way we will overcome… in the good fight of faith.
Having said that… I just want to say that if you are one whom struggles with reading… understanding and studying the word of God…
There are dozens of “helps” offered by many ministries that are out there… and who’s goal is to help you the believer… “grow up” in the Word… become skilled in the Word… become knowledgeable in the Word.
With the advent of the internet… there is no excuse for you not to be able to find resources and education that will help you wield “the sword of the spirit”.
Good day.