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Saturday, April 20, 2024 - April 20th 2024 Foundations

(Luke 6:46) "Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?"

Jesus told a story of two men who built houses.
The wise one built his house on solid rock; the foolish one built his on sand.
When a storm hit both houses, only the wise man’s was left standing.
Now Jesus wasn’t comparing wisdom with foolishness, because the reality of life is that we all make bad choices from time to time.
We’re all apt to be wise at times and foolish at others.
And He didn’t say the house that survived was a believer’s house while the one that was destroyed belonged to an unbeliever, though that’s implied.
He was comparing the two foundations (see Matthew 7:24-27).
So, my question/challenge for you today is this.
What is your life founded upon?

What is the foundation you are building your life on?
When things get bad; when your back is against the wall; when your survival is on the line; when you’ve used up your last ounce of strength—what is it that gets you through?
I can promise you that it’s not your wisdom or your church affiliation.
Its not your money or your investments either
The bible says “there is a way which seems right unto a man, but it leads to death” (Proverbs 14:12, and 16:25)
Faithful believers can sometimes flounder in the midst of life’s storms: an abusive relationship, a financial collapse, an unfaithful partner, an irreversible loss, the illness of a child, psychological and physical disability, etc.
But Jesus’ point was this: when the storms of life come, the only way to get through them is to do what He says, because God always honors His word.
 “So shall My word be that goeth forth out of My mouth: It shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it (Isaiah 55:11).
Your obedience aligns you with His word, His will, and His power to act on your behalf.
Jesus said “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”, (Luke 4:4), (Matthew 4:4)
As you walk in obedience, as you walk and live your life according to what Gods word says, God will enable you to come through this storm, no matter how long and hard it rages.
So today it’s time to check the foundation upon which you are building your life.
Build it on the word!
Build it on the Rock!
Build it on faith in God!
Build it with the Kingdom of God in the fore front!
If you do these things, the bible says you then have an anchor in life that will hold you secure no matter how hard the storms of life hit.
Nor can the pests of trial and temptation try to invade and under mine your foundation.
(Matthew 11:28) “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Good Day!
Friday, April 19, 2024 - April 19th 2024 Seeing God In Every Instance Of Your Day

(Exodus 3:2) "The Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush."
Moses had been living on the backside of the desert for four decades: doing “the same old same old” for over 21 million minutes.
Minutes can seem like hours when your living with out purpose and or in the midst of monotony.
Moses life was defined by “monotony” until he had an “epiphany”.
On a day that started out like the 4,600 days before, while tending his sheep in a “wadi” he spotted a burning bush.
Now a “wadi” is a ravine in the desert.
They are caused by rushing water from rains and flash floods.
Because of the moisture left behind, there is usually more vegetation growth for the herds of sheep and goats that shepherds would lead them to.
And most shepherds new and were familiar with every wadi in the area.
So this day the wadi we are referring to is not an unfamiliar area for Moses.
Quite the opposite, he was probably using a trail he had used a hundred times before.
And it didn’t take a lot of work to lead his sheep down this trial because of its familiarity.
In a sense he could probably walk it in his sleep.
But on this day, in the midst of “the monotony” of the day, he noticed something different out of the corner of his eye.
Why….. look at here!
There is a bush burning….. but no smoke….. and its not even being consumed.
Then surprise surprise, he hears a voice from out of the bush calling his name.
Sometimes in the midst of your daily routine and the monotony of every day life, God will surprise you!
A burning bush is about as absurd as a talking donkey.
Oh, wait, God did that too!
One of the dangers inherent in walking with God for a long time is thinking that you’ve got Him figured out.
We tend to put Him in a box, but there’s no box big enough to contain Him.
Isaiah writes “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9).
But listen, God has a great plan for each of us that is filled with challenge yes, but rewarding purpose as well.
And nowhere in that plan are we to live out days of boredom and monotony!
Remember (Jeremiah 29:11). God says “for I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and give you a future, not plans for evil!”
Instead of drifting through life aimlessly and letting all your days run together, you need to get up each morning and pray, “Father, thank You for this new day.
Give me fresh insights into Your word that reveal new aspects of Your character so that I might do Your will and glorify You.”
That’s what’s called “seeking first the kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33)
Become more alert and aware; don’t miss what God has for you.
Moses almost missed it, so God arrested his attention in a supernatural way.
Balaam the prophet became deaf to the voice of God and was operating in his own wisdom for his own purpose and profit, blind to where the voice of the Lord was leading him and it almost cost him his life.
But in the midst of the monotony of both of these men’s lives God “woke them up”.
One, with a talking donkey.
The other, with a burning bush that was not consumed by the fire.
Do what Moses did: “Now this is amazing! Moses said to himself, ‘Why isn’t that bush burning up? I must go and see it’” (Exodus 3:3).
Today God still speaks to us.
But not through donkeys or burning bushes.
He speaks to us thru and in “His written Word”, the Bible backed up by supernatural awareness or a “rhema word”

A “rhema word” is that point when your reading His word (the Bible and all of the sudden you know in your spirit that God is speaking to you.
Its called “Rhema”.
There are two primary Greek words that describe “scripture” which are translated as “Word” in the New Testament.
The first Greek word, “logos”, refers principally to the “total inspired Word of God” and to Jesus, who is the “living Word”. 
Logos is found in (John 1:1); (Luke 8:11); (Philippians 2:16); (Hebrews 4:12); along with many other verses in the bible.
The second Greek word translated “word” is “rhema”, which refers to “the spoken” word of God. 
“Rhema” literally means an utterance (individually, collectively or specifically).
Examples are found in (Luke 1:38); (Luke 3:2); (Luke 5:5); and (Acts 11:16).
Some Christians view a “rhema word” as the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to them at a present moment.
They believe they can be guided by the Holy Spirit through inner feelings, impressions and experiences.
Some believe that the direct words of God to an individual can also be imparted through the words of others, such as a preacher in a worship service or a friend who counsels them.
Through these avenues, the Christian experiences God’s direct leading.
However the specific guidance we receive from the Holy Spirit at any given time, can only be discerned by the general principles laid down in the Bible.
Where the Bible is silent on specifics, such as where a young person should go to college, or where one should live ….well then…. the Christian or believer needs to apply biblical principles from the word to the situation… and thereby arrive at a spirit led decision. 

The test of the authenticity of a “rhema word” from God is, “how it compares to the whole of Scripture”.
Orthodoxy says that God will not speak a word that contradicts His written Word, the Scriptures.
So there is a built-in safeguard to prevent misinterpretation.
Now many people have said, “I wish that God would speak to me thru a burning bush or some miraculous event”
But the truth is, you have no need to hear a word from the Lord from someone else, or something else;  because we have the Bible and we have pastors, group leaders, and Bible study and Sunday school teachers.
But the Word of God is the clearest, most distinct voice of God there is and we should believe that…even if you hear a donkey tell you something else.
The “point” we should all keep “dear to our hearts”, is that God wants each of us to be aware of His presence every moment of every day.
When you live like that, you will be amazed at how he leads directs and guides our lives from day to day.
And that is not monotonous or boring.
Good Day!

Thursday, April 18, 2024 - April 17th 2024 Wounds and Insults From A Friend

(2nd Corinthians 12:10) '"I take pleasure...in the insults...I suffer for Christ."
When you’re insulted, you can retaliate with a stinging comeback or see it as a “growth” opportunity.
David said, “It is good… that I have been afflicted, that I might learn Your statutes” (Psalm 119:71).
It is the mark of a mature individual when they can be assaulted with a sarcastic remark or insult and walk away with out letting it bother them or retaliating.
I remember reading a book some time ago where the author wrote:
“The person who insults us is a teacher…come to help us 'reduce our ego', develop patience and compassion, practice unconditional forgiveness, and teach us about life and relationships. If you don’t perceive an insult as an insult, but as a teaching or a gift, it loses its power to hurt you.”
On a practical level, if you’re insulted, say nothing.
Give yourself time.
Remember that in the sports arena, penalties are usually handed out to the one who retaliates or reacts; and often the player that caused the infraction at first, gets away with it because of the attention brought about by the retaliation.
Much harm is often created by lashing back, which often escalates the situation by saying things you may not mean.
Recognize that it’s your ego—that false sense of pride that is acting up so don’t go along with it or give it free reign.
Paul reached a place where he actually took “pleasure in…insults.”
Most of us aren’t quite there yet, but with time and practice it can happen.

Speaking of Judas, (one of the trusted disciples that walked with Jesus and who then betrayed Him with a kiss),
God sometimes "manipulates" the actions of our enemies in order to accomplish His will in our lives.
And believe it or not, He (God) can bless you through the worst relationships, ones that are painful or negative.
The time, effort, and pain we invest in them aren’t wasted, because God knows how to make “adversity feed destiny” into your life.
I can’t stop hurt from coming or promise that everyone who sits at your table will be loyal.
But the sufferings at the hands of those close to us can give us direction, build character, and in the end, help you find grace to re-evaluate your life.
Not everyone appreciates correction, but David did.
He felt indebted to those who corrected him and realized how much he owed them.
He said “Let the righteous strike me; it shall be a kindness. Let him rebuke me; it shall be as excellent oil; let my head not refuse it” (Psalms. 141:5).
David insists that “correction” is a kindness, a word that suggests an act of loyalty.
Loyal friends will correct one another, even when it’s painful and possibly disruptive to a relationship to do so.
It’s one of the ways we show love and help one another to grow stronger.
As (Proverbs 27:6) states: “Faithful are the wounds of a friend.”

It takes grace to give Godly correction; it takes “greater grace” to receive it.
And unlike David, who had committed adultery and then murder, and was then accosted, rebuked and corrected by Nathan the Prophet, (2nd Samuel 12:13) we are to often inclined to refuse it.
We resent the interference; we do not want to be found out.
But if we, like David, accept the reproof, we will find that it does indeed become “excellent oil” on our heads; an anointing that makes our lives a sweet aroma wherever we go.
“Growth in grace” sometimes comes through the kind but unpleasant correction of a loyal friend.
Do not refuse it, (Proverbs. 15:5) “for he who receives correction is prudent and wise” 
So today, let the wounds of a friend be a light, a beacon to "greater growth" in grace.
Let humbleness be your counselor, and insults or grievous words be a medicine that makes you stronger, wiser, more patient, and more accepting of others and their impact on your life.
Good Day!
Wednesday, April 17, 2024 - April 17th 2024 God Lives Within You

(Exodus 3:5) "For the place where you stand is holy ground."
Jewish scholars used to debate why God revealed Himself to Moses in the middle of the desert.
Why not a highly populated or religiously significant place?
The consensus was that God wanted to show humanity that there is no place on earth, not even a thorn bush, devoid of God’s presence.
Pastor and author A.W. Tozer wrote, “God is above, but He’s not pushed up.
He’s beneath, but He’s not pressed down.
He’s outside, but He’s not excluded.
He’s inside, but He’s not confined.
God is above all things presiding,
Beneath all things sustaining,
Outside all things embracing,
And inside all things fulfilling.”
And here’s the best part: “God…works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13).
(Galatians 2:19-20) “I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and delivered Himself up for me."
By and thru the Holy Spirit whom lives with in each of us that have believed the gospel, and received the Holy Spirit; God is living “within” you.

Working within you, and giving you a desire to do the things that please Him.
And here’s an interesting thought.
Since God lives within you, it’s a good idea not go anywhere that you know He wouldn’t be pleased to go, or get into situations you know He wouldn’t be pleased to be in.
When you feel wrong or uncomfortable about being with a certain person or in a certain place, pay attention.
It just may be the Holy Spirit telling you that you don’t belong there and you shouldn’t be doing that.
Is it because God is being narrow-minded?
He wants only the best for you, so He’s protecting you from harm.
The Bible says, “For the Lord God is a…shield…no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:11).
Today wherever you go, remember that God is there with you.
(Psalm 91) says “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”
Believe me when I say the greatest, the most comfortable place to live or “dwell”, is in the place where God and you are together.
So today, be one who allows the Lord to orchestrate your path thru out the day.
Listen to that still small voice from with in you and allow God to order your steps to His blessing.
And remember, what others around you see you doing, writes a gospel, a chapter each day, by deeds you do and words you say.
Men read what you write (or do); hey what’s the gospel according to you?
Good Day!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 - April 16th 2024 Give And It Shall Be Given Unto You

(Luke 6:38) "Give, and it shall be given unto you."
There is a principle in the Kingdom of God that assures His children (those whom call Christ Lord and Savior and are committed to His kingdom) live lives with substance and means, that defy common sense.
Many of us may want to give to others in need and causes we believe in, but fear often stops us.
We’re afraid that if we give, we might not have enough left for ourselves.
So instead of sowing, we hoard our seed and miss the harvest God promised us.
Because on some deeper level we wonder if God would actually bless someone like me.
In our minds we think “O God might bless someone else but He would never bless me”!
Jesus said, “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over.”
If a bank promised that kind of return on your investment you’d beat a path to their door, right?
But banks can fail, and bankers can’t always be trusted, whereas God has never broken a promise!
Here’s an important Bible truth: When you open your hand to God, He opens His hand to you.
And God has a bigger hand!

But as well as learning how to give, you must learn how to receive.
Jesus said, “Good measure…will be poured into your lap” (Luke 6:38)  
When God gives back to you, He often does it through people.
All kinds of people!
People like you and people like me!
So don’t let pride or prejudice stop you from receiving from others, because God wants to give them a harvest on the seeds they sow into your life.
Don’t circumvent the harvest—yours or theirs.
And one more thing.
Never hesitate to give to a “true servant of God”.
“Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper” (2nd Chronicles 20:20).
When God moves you to sow a seed, it’s because He has a harvest for you to reap.
So don’t miss it!
“Give and it will be given unto you pressed down and shaken together and running over shall men give unto your bosom. (Luke 6:38)
That’s how this ministry survives.
I’ve often made the comment to others, “I cannot afford not to give”.
I can’t afford not to tithe a portion of my income to God.

(Malachi 3:10) says  “Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it”.
Hey God said it.
I choose to believe it.
So I practice it.
And you know what?
When calamity does strike.
When the unexpected financial hurdles happen.
God always provides a way for me to rise above.
And He will do the same for you.
But first you have to get it into your heart that God loves you!
Secondly you have to realize that He like a Father whom wants to care for His children and meet their every need.
Thirdly you need to be obedient and put Gods law of “seed time and harvest” into motion on your behalf.
It’s kind of like having a savings acct. You can’t draw on it if you don’t put anything into it.
So today start by giving a small portion into a church offering plate, or send a financial love offering to a ministry that has a proven track record of making a difference in the world around them.
And once you have done that, then give a gift to someone in need.
Food or some clothing or even some cash so that they can go buy the necessities of life that they require.
You see there is a scale of return that comes back.
When you love much love comes back.
When you give much, much comes back.
30, 60 and a hundred fold.
That’s what comes back when you practice generosity with the right attitude.
(Matthew 13:8) “Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted!”
One final thought!
Its not how much you give, it’s the attitude behind it.
And when you are as generous as you can be with a right attitude, God sees it and promises to bless it.
So why not start today?
Good Day!
Monday, April 15, 2024 - April 15th 2024 That None Should Perish

(Matthew 18:14) "Your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost."

Philip Bray founded an Atlanta street ministry called “Safe House Outreach”.
He writes, “One day a little boy made a hand gesture at me, the kind male prostitutes make.
So I stopped my car and lectured him, thinking he didn’t understand.
But he said, ‘I’m just taking care of business. I live here in Cabbage Town, and my brother taught me the trade.’
I asked him, ‘What’s your name? How old are you?’
He replied, My name is ‘Billy Bob, and I’m eight.’
In shock, I said, ‘Surely you wouldn’t have many customers?’
He said, ‘The younger you are, the more money you get.
I make two hundred a trick; my thirteen-year-old brother only gets twenty dollars because he has AIDS.’
I pleaded with him to let me help him start a new life, but he said, ‘I can’t.
I’m my family’s ticket out of the ghetto’.
‘For weeks’, Phillip said ‘I kept trying to reach him.
Then one day, the police found his mutilated body in a dumpster, murdered by one of his customers’.”
In street ministry, not every story has a happy ending.

Sometimes the pain and despair is just too much.”
Then Philip adds, “But there’s hope”!
Jesus died for the Billy Bobs of this world, just like he died for the Billy Grahams.
Just Like He died for you and me this morning as well.
Philip says, “That’s why I’m out here working in the streets.”
Jesus said, “Your Father in Heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost.”
That means you and I are called to leave our comfort zone and reach out to a hurting world with the love of Jesus!
You and I have the freedom, as well as all kinds of opportunity to go to a place of worship almost any day of the week and give thanks for the life God has blessed us with.
Do you realize there are thousands if not millions in this world that do not have that opportunity?
Each week, as you go to church, and as you sit in that pew with all kinds of safety, security and comfort that has been provided for you by this country you live in; that has been blessed by God,
Remember that there are thousands of young Billy Bobs out there that Jesus died for, as well as you.
Today be thankful instead of critical.
Today give thanks to God for the hand of God on your life and your families lives.
Give thanks with a grateful and humble heart of gratitude.
Worship Him not with smug satisfaction, but with humbleness of heart; knowing that “but for the grace of God”, I could, or you could or your children could be another statistic like Billy Bob.
Make this your prayer today; “Thank you Heavenly Father for your touch, your blessing, and your saving grace for each of us today.”
“Help me to do my part in making a difference in the world around me, what ever that may be”.
Jesus said “go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel” (Matthew 28:19)
Now you may not have the freedom to go, but you can pray for and support ministries like ours that are free to do that; and that are doing their best to respond to the call and fulfill that command.
But we can’t do it on our own!

We need people like you to send us there!
Good Day!

Sunday, April 14, 2024 - April 14th 2024 Blame Throwers

(Romans 14:12) "Every one of us shall give account of himself."
Have you ever seen a flamethrower in the movies?
It’s a fiery torch designed to destroy people.
“Blame throwers” do the same.
When life doesn’t go their way, instead of taking responsibility for their own decisions and actions… they blame others.
And there’s no shortage of scapegoats.
We blame the bank or the credit card company for our financial woes; we blame society for our lack of getting ahead in life when actually it was our own bad choices.
We blame our spouse when our marriage goes bad and divorce ruins the home.
I listen to it all the time… people blaming the church for something that took place and now they are mad at God, when all along you/they were never committed to the church or to God in the first place.
But when it comes to blame-shifting, there’s no wiggle room as far as God’s word is concerned:
“Every one of us shall give account of himself.” (Romans 14:12)
The problem with blame-shifting is that it stops you from taking “constructive action” and moving on with your life.
There’s a truth that is known in the field of psychology that says, each person you blame… is actually holding on to a piece of your “personal” power and self-respect…!
Taking responsibility for what’s happening in your life is one of the most empowering things you can do.
New choices become available…your anger, discouragement and disappointment is reduced…you see people and events with new eyes.
Remember, responsibility can also be read as “response” - “ability”: the ability to respond instead of reacting.
No question—it can be intimidating to take charge of your life, but you’ll be amazed at the joy and freedom it brings.
Will you make mistakes along the way?
Of course you will!
Will you stumble and fall?
Yes you will!
But God promises that He we lift you up and uphold you if you stumble, trip and fall (Proverbs 37:24)
But there’s nothing like the feeling of stepping out in faith… and with God’s help, take the next step in taking charge of your life.
The bible says “the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord (Psalms 37:23), so today, put your hands and your life into Gods hands.
Stop blaming others … start trusting God for the strength to take charge of your life thru the leadership of His Holy Spirit.
Let the (23rd Psalm) be your confidence and source of promise, as you hold tightly to His hand and let him help you take charge and responsibility of your life today.
“He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul.

He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley I will fear no evil for you are with me.

Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever”! (Psalm 23)
God has a personal plan for you! (Jeremiah 29:11)
He wants you "to prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers"! (3rd John 1:2)
He wants you to be at the head of the line not the end of it.
(Deuteronomy 28:13) “The Lord will make you the head, not the tail".

If you pay attention to the commands of “the Lord your God” that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.
So today stop blaming others and begin to take the steps that God provides for you to become “more than a conqueror” thru Christ (Romans 8:37)
Good Day!

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