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In a country where traditional family values have been swept out the door, and where faith in Jesus Christ and respect for the attributes of God have been censored within our schools, the media, and in much of the arts and entertainment industry, it is refreshing to know that there is a Canadian ministry whom God has raised up to be a witness and light amongst the un-churched of our society.
The Jack Jackson Outreach Ministries is an organization that has been given a unique gifting and ability to shine the light of Christ through a music ministry that has given him a voice in the entertainment industry across North America.
For over 40 years Jack Jackson Outreach Ministries have been blazing a trail across North America using "Market Place Evangelism" techniques that have been instrumental in introducing thousands of non-churched people into a new awareness and relationship with Jesus Christ.
Although "country" in nature, Jack and his team have "something old and something new" with music that attracts and inspires people of every age, wherever he performs within a "market place" setting.
Jack Jackson entertains and encourages audiences with music that endorses, traditional family values, faith in God, and a relationship with Christ that gives our world help for today and hope for tomorrow.
Jack is a "District Evangelist" with the Alberta and N.W.T. District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada and is also a "churched based" evangelist based out of the "Shepherds Gate Church", in Calgary Alberta.
This ministry is a faith based organization funded by "private donations" and through the on going financial support of it's many fans and friends whom see the validity of sending this ministry into the highways and byways of our world.
The Jack Jackson Evangelistic Ministries is a certified “not for profit status” with CCRA in Canada and the IRS in the USA allowing this ministry to issue "income tax deductible receipts" for income tax purposes.
Your financial sponsorship and or donations will be greatly appreciated and will be receipted accordingly at the beginning of each tax season on both sides of the border.
Paypal Donation buttons
Donate using CAD (Canadian Dollars) |
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Donation by Internet Transfer or Credit Card
Internet transfers - Canadian Donors can send e-transfers to jack@geminibookkeeping.com.
After you have sent your donation please then send a follow up email to darlene@geminibookkeeping.com to confirm and include your mailing information for income tax donation receipting.
For Canadian Credit Card Donations Call 403 483 9377
For USA Credit Card Donations Call 928 318 3487
Donations by Regular Mail
If you wish to send a donation by regular post please address to:
Jack Jackson
Gemini Bookkeeping
277 Erin Woods Circle SE Calgary
T2B 3C9